HELLO!! -- This layout took forever! I think I re-did it like six times, changed the code many times, Had problems with the banner, and colours. SO all in all this was a massive headach and i'm more then happy that its done. Try over the moon. It's free and off my hands. lol SO i choose to use very little colour and do a more black and white layout. I think i succeded and created this pretty little thing. I LOVE the qoute thats on the banner. It's from DH. SO just replace everything with your info change your credit. BUT DON"T REMOVE THE REST. PLEASE enjoy this layout and if you have any question please contact me. -- LadyLBlack



Add whatever you want in this section, blog random info, what ever. (WAS CREATED FOR A BLOG)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add whatever you want in this section, blog random info, what ever. (WAS CREATED FOR A BLOG)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add whatever you want in this section, blog random info, what ever. (WAS CREATED FOR A BLOG)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add whatever you want in this section, blog random info, what ever. (WAS CREATED FOR A BLOG)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

|||Credit||| Featuring The Veronicas|| Brushes brusheezy||Images from XX|| Layout by LadyLBlack